… .................................................................................... 13 6.2. Scope 1: Council vehicle fleet ................................................................................ 14 6.3. Scope 2: Electricity consumption ........................................................................... 14 6.4. Scope 3: Transmission and distribution losses ...................................................... 15 6.5. Scope 3: Water supply and water treatment…
… target. A detailed breakdown of our emissions can be found on our website. Our emissions are split into 3 scopes: Ø Scope 1: Oil consumption, gas consumption and vehicle fleet fuel consumption. Ø Scope 2: Electricity consumption. Ø Scope 3: Transmission and distribution losses, water supply, water treatment, business travel and contractor travel (waste refuse collection). 5.3. King’s…
… in energy efficiency to reduce consumption and further electricity generation on our estate. We currently have several sites with solar panels, that help reduce T&D losses due to their proximity to the consumption source. 6.5. Scope 3: Water supply and water treatment Our water consumption does contribute to our carbon footprint, with our estates consuming tens of thousands of cubic metres…
… (m3) every year. For every m3 consumed we are therefore, emitting 0.34 kgCO2e (DBEIS, 2020). As a council we also run leisure centers through ‘Alive West Norfolk’ which includes three swimming pools. The pools are our largest consumers of water and therefore the largest emitters from this source. In addition to water supply we also have water treatment, which accounts for the disposal…
… of water. This is measured with a 90% return to sewerage rate. Despite returning 10% less than we consume, water treatment is more emissions intensive than consumption, emitting 0.71 kgCO2e/m3 (DBEIS, 2020). Water supply and treatment emissions will be considered through the council’s energy efficiency improvement measures. 6.6. Scope 3: Business travel Staff and member business travel…