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Tewkesbury Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Tewkesbury Borough Council offices carbon neutral by 2030 specifically via addressing CO2 emissions from operations for which it is directly responsible. This includes the following:  Electricity, gas and water consumption from owned buildings that are used to provide a public service, therefore excluding any buildings used for commercial purposes. Therefore the TBC estate included is as follows…

… a standard methodology for measuring CO2e emissions. Section 3 collates and analyses current emissions data (electricity, heating fuel, fleet/business travel and water consumption/wastewater processing) for calendar year 2019 (or approximate data where the information is not available) from the Council’s operations under Scope 1 - direct emissions, 2 - indirect emissions and 3 - all other…

… water and the maintenance of the supply, disposal and treatment networks. No account is made for any emissions associated with the biological treatment of wastewater. The emissions associated with TBC’s water consumption are small when compared to the other emissions. 17 2.2 Greenhouse Gas Protocol The Council’s resolution was to ’Commit to doing all in its power to make…

… the energy consumption from the council’s tenants. This was largely completed by calculating consumption based on floor area (also using each organisations’ occupied floor area to estimate the electricity, gas and water consumption for communal areas)  Roses Theatre data provided as a single annual consumption figure for both electricity and gas (then multiplied by three to provide figures…

… for 3 years)  Leisure Centre data counting energy generated from its combined heat and power plant within their CO2 emissions calculations, meaning actual emission levels are significantly lower than provided data indicates  Tenants being unable to provide any billing data to verify their consumption Missing data:  Water consumption at the Roses Theatre  All data at the Sports…


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