Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce, waste, and waste collection.
… waste streams such as recycling and food waste collection is an important part of tackling waste, waste minimisation and preventing stuff being disposed of in the first place sits at the top of the waste hierarchy. Plans have been developed to create a service specific engagement team to directly target communication activities through ‘hands-on’ and ‘face-to-face’ interaction, to reduce waste…
… will be provided with the means to dispose of their waste in such a way as to support this, through improved facilities for recycling and food waste collections. 57. In addition to improving waste collection and developing approaches to minimise waste, Wandsworth has been leading on the circular economy through its involvement in the One World Living Programme, one of seven London-wide local authority…
… Sustainability Partnership, delivery of a new Walking and Cycling Strategy, installation of 207 EV charging points and 90 bikehangars, a food waste collection pilot, climate risk mapping and 5 parks in Wandsworth awarded Green Flags. Combined action across the organisation has seen a drop in carbon emissions for the organisation and the borough as a whole. A detailed list of actions delivered is set out…
… (Climate Change) reporting to the Interim Assistant Director of Climate Change, Policy and Communications. As highlighted in Paper 22- 336, work on climate change does not rest solely with this team but is embedded across the organisation. In Paper 23-52 on this meetings’ agenda are new proposals around food waste collections and community engagement on waste, while the Transport Committee…
… that is ultimately then thrown away. Addressing this is an immediate priority for the Council, with a need to improve recycling rates through increased access to more appropriate recycling facilities, improving opportunities to recycle, and introducing food waste collections borough wide. Officers have developed a delivery approach to improve the quality of recycling in flats, drawing on recent research…