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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 9 closely related terms such as waste management, waste, and waste management.

1 result

Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the amount of waste going to landfill by 10% by 2035 65% of municipal waste to be recycled by 2035 70% of packaging waste to be recycled by 2030 (85% of paper and cardboard, 80% of ferrous metals, 80% aluminium, 75% glass Halve per capita, food waste at the retail and consumer level 11…

… time • The hourly mean value may not exceed 200 micrograms per cubic metre (µg/m3) more than 18 times in a year • The NO2 annual mean value may not exceed 40 micrograms per cubic metre Renewable energy Renewable energy directive 2018 32% of energy is fulfilled by renewables by 2030 10% of transport fuels come from renewable sources by 2030 Waste management The Waste Strategy 2018 Cut…

… • 20% renewable energy generation at new developments Waste management Greater Manchester Environment Plan 2019 • Limit any increase in the quantity of waste produced to 20% • Achieve a recycling rate of 65% by 2035 Natural environment Greater Manchester Environment Plan 2019 - 2024 • Plant 3 million trees by 2035 and a further 1-2 million by 2050 • Restore 50-75% of peatlands by 2038…

… centres, GP practices. • Reducing health waste, managing waste better and reusing or recycling. • Using green space and the natural environment as a method of enabling good health and recovery. • Reducing health inequalities so that the least well off in society are protected from the health harm caused by climate change. • Preventing the increase in conditions such as asthma…

…% of people in the borough commute by public transport, 1% cycle and 10% walk. Only 11% share their car. The borough reuses, recycles and composts just 50% of its household waste. The council contributes to the Greater Manchester There are 26 public Pension Fund. That fund electric vehicle (EV) invests £1,011,755,935 in charging points fossil fuels, of which across the borough Only 5…


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