Including 10 closely related terms such as new waste strategy, new waste, and minimise waste.
… Plan sets out under this theme actions to ensure that the impact of construction phase of development is minimised, and sustainable materials are used. Organisationally the steps we are taking to minimise waste as well as reduce the amount of illegal disposal of waste across the District. The new Waste Strategy will target an overall reduction in household waste, a substantial increase…
… will be included within the strategy document. Adoption of strategy in 2022, and a subsequent reduction in the carbon impact of household waste generated in the NFDC area Mitigating natural resource loss, compliance with Government regulations, more economically efficient waste service. Development - ongoing. Implementatio n - 2022-2027 C E W a st e m a n a g em en t…
… Develop and implement a new Domestic Waste Strategy for household waste 939/Waste%20Strategy%20Update%20RPT.pdf Waste and Transport Service Development of strategy will be measured via its adoption by the Council in 2022. Implementation will follow, and its delivery will be monitored via key performance indicators which…
… in materials recycled, and a decrease in waste disposed via landfill and incineration. These are all actions which will reduce overall emissions and damage to the natural environment within in the District. v. Energy The Action Plan sets out under this theme key actions to reduce energy consumption within our own estate and to ensure that new machinery is powered by sustainable means…
… in several experts on a range of issues, all of which has fed into the development of a draft Greener Housing Strategy. The draft Strategy will be finalised during Spring this year. Working is on going to adopt a Climate Change SPD for all new development setting standards for development, this work will feed into the Local Plan Part 2 review. iv. Waste and Sustainable Resources The Action…