Including 5 closely related terms such as waste management, waste, and waste management.
… change to a service. For example, we will be able to measure the reduction in our carbon emissions from swapping to electric vehicles, or from implementing a new waste management contract. Emissions from direct actions will be calculated using the glidepath tool, where we will be able to specifically measure the change in emissions over time. Enabling Enabling actions are those where we…
… District Council 2022-2024 5 Vale of White Horse District Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2019/20 Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions Waste Collection 35.1% Leisure 51.0% Other Council Properties 5.3% Service Contracts 3.7% Staff and Councillor Mileage 1.5% Council Offices 3.4…
… carbon emissions come from our waste collection services. It is vital that we tackle our leisure and waste emissions to make the biggest impact on our carbon neutral target, which is reflected in specific actions in this Plan. Other emitters include staff and councillor mileage, our offices and properties, and other service contracts, which are also addressed in actions in this plan…
… Measure Strategic / direct / enabling Officer Lead Vale Cabinet Lead a) Prepare new waste management approach to align with provisions of the Environment Bill SD1 Narrative Narrative report to outline steps to influence partners and our actions to reduce overall waste…
… direct Head of Housing and Environment Cabinet Member Climate Emergency and Environment b) Specify new waste management contract with route optimisation, collection frequency and vehicle size to minimise carbon emissions SD2 Narrative direct Head of Housing and Environment Cabinet Member Climate Emergency and Environment c) Trial electric refuse vehicles and other relevant vehicle options…