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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 5 closely related terms such as waste, waste collection, and food waste.

1 result

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… recycling capture. + WA 2% increase in municipal recycling rate from April 2019 to April 2020. April 2020 41 HBPCL Review and model different waste collection systems Assess whether introducing a borough-wide food waste collection will be environmentally beneficial and identify solutions to improve waste collection rounds. + + + WA/CC Data analysed and report produced…

… Enforcement Hi Highways WA Waste Action HS Health and Safety Team in Environmental Health RBEP Royal Borough Environment Projects 6. Action Plan – January 2019 Update RBKC Air Quality and Climate Change Action Plan 2016–2021 12 | P a g e No Action type Action Description NO2 PM CO2 Body responsible Target/ measure Deadline 1 H B Support and promote air quality…

… available) Mar-22 23 P L Continue to reduce emissions from our contractor's waste collection and street cleaning vehicles Work with our waste contractor to reduce emissions from its fleet and improve their operations. + + + CC/W 35% CO2 reduction versus 2007–08 Ongoing TRANSPORT: CYCLING, CAR AND GOODS VEHICLE USAGE  NO2 emission contribution: 49% from road transport…

… Description NO2 PM CO2 Body responsible Target/ measure Deadline 50 HBR Support the development of community food waste composting initiatives Encourage and support the development of small-scale community food waste composting initiatives involving local residents. + RBEP Two new resident-led food waste composting initiatives Each year 51 R Review planning…

… within the Council’s estate and operations to achieve a 30% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2017 and 40% by 2020, compared with 2008. This includes by 2017 a: o 36% CO2 reduction from council buildings; o 22% CO2 reduction from schools; o 30% CO2 reduction from street lighting; o 25% CO2 reduction from the Council’s main contractors; o 53% CO2 reduction from the Council’s office waste


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