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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 9 closely related terms such as minimise waste, waste reduction, and waste.

1 result

Mid Sussex District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the quality and quantity of recycling collected, with a specific focus on communal bins. MSDCDL Commercial Services Increased % of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting Reduced amount of waste per household sent to landfill sites. Existing Budget Green Waste collection Increase the number of subscribers to the green waste service to 20,000 by March 2019. MSDC DL…

… energy consumption Subject and current activity Actions Responsibility Outcomes Resourcing Waste Minimization and Recycling- working with West Sussex Waste Partnership to Joint Waste Strategy Targets of increasing recycling to 50% and reducing residual waste by 40kg per household by 2020. Promotion of waste reduction and improved recycling Ongoing campaign to improve…

… through Planning Policy and the District Plan. In terms of land use and the built environment it is about ensuring that development in Mid Sussex is more sustainable. This theme also covers work to support sustainable economic growth. Areas of activity include sustainable transport; waste minimisation and recycling; water conservation and flooding, air quality; energy efficiency and carbon reduction…

… are provided at Appendix 2. In summary, the key legislative requirements come under the headings of:  Climate change  Waste reduction and recycling  Air quality  Sustainable transport  Energy and carbon reduction  Local landscapes and biodiversity Delivery and Performance Management Arrangements Officer level The Council has a Sustainability Officer who supports…

… and sustainability principle built into new housing and infrastructure development. Secured External Funding District Plan – Sustainable Design Adopt a Sustainable Design and Construction Policy which sets out measures which development proposals must incorporate in order to minimise energy use, use renewable sources of energy, minimise waste, maximise recycling and limit water use. MSDC DL…


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