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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce, minimise waste, and waste.

1 result

Torridge District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… .......................................................................................................................... 23 Biodiversity ...................................................................................................................... 24 Waste/ Recycling ............................................................................................................. 25 The Council…

…, Our Future’ and to: • Reduce the eco-footprint of the district to meet the Council’s carbon neutral target of 2030. • Deliver clean, well maintained and managed streets, parks and open spaces. • Provide high quality planning and development services. • Manage coastal and flood defences to meet the challenges of the changing climate. • Reduce waste and increase recycling. These priorities…

… leisure facilities, to our hostel and homeless accommodation, to the council offices and buildings themselves. The heating and lighting of these buildings fall under both scope 1 and 2 emissions (as explained below) Operational vehicles - particularly in our waste collection service which provides the majority of our transport carbon usage. However, business mileage is also accrued over…

… future. • Helping households save money on their energy bills and keep warm and healthy by improving the energy efficiency of local homes. • Promote wellbeing within our communities through the use of active travel and making our natural assets accessible to all. • Direct cost savings: through initiatives to reduce the council’s use of energy and water and to minimise waste. • Pooling…

… parks. • Our construction schemes at Caddsdown and Tamar have won multiple sustainability awards and works have been undertaken at all of our commercial sites to improve energy efficiency standards. • TDC have purchased their first electric fleet vehicle, while all our waste vehicles comply with the latest Euro engine standards and we are committed to including electric and other…


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