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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 5 closely related terms such as waste, waste services, and waste services.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, and future low- carbon HGV and building retrofit technologies evolve. 4.2 The CERP has been developed to cover the next nine years up to 2030. It focusses on the Council’s key corporate emissions sources (energy consumption, waste, fleet and travel) and sets out an initial pathway to net-zero by 2030. The CERP does this by estimating the impact of emission reduction projects (both planned…

…, Active Travel, Street Lighting, Human Resources, Corporate Property and Facilities Management and Waste Services in compiling this report. 7.2 While the financial challenges in achieving net zero emissions will be significant, it should be noted that investing in carbon reduction projects often results in wider co- benefits such as the creation of local jobs, improved air quality and public health…

… by aligning our retrofit plans to the development of ‘20- minute neighbourhoods’ and sustainable places. We’ve made outstanding progress on reducing our waste emissions, largely thanks to the opening of Millerhill waste plant. We’ll continue to make progress by further improving waste services for citizens and promoting the reduce, reuse, repair and recycle approach to minimising unnecessary…

… Bodies Climate Change Duties Report 2019/20, November 2020 Buildings 63% Other energy consumption 16% Waste 8% Fleet 9% Business travel 3% Water1% 0 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 tC O 2e Energy Waste Fleet Total Staff travel Water 2020/21 target Back to contents 7 categories8 and historic Council emissions trend…

… major emissions sources; energy (buildings and lighting), waste, fleet and transport. This plan reflects the Council’s carbon reduction commitment as a signatory of the City Climate Compact. 2.2 The plan sets out the Council’s strategic approach to reducing its corporate emissions and estimates the impact of carbon reduction projects (both planned and potential) on the Council’s current…


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