Including 4 closely related terms such as reduce, waste, and waste collection.
… sources but it could cost more than the current deal. To commence at renewal of current energy supplier contract. 1.6 Reduce waste and increase recycling from Council offices and leisure centres. Facilities Manager Leisure Centre Manager Higher percentage of waste recycled. Baseline data set in March 2021. £15k capital for standardising bins / recycling points…
… on Council land by 2024 and an improvement in quality and diversity of young trees. All trees planted to be of local provenance where possible. Use of environmentally friendly methods to protect young trees that limits use of plastic and minimises waste. £60k funding from s.106 Phase 2 of the Council’s tree planting programme is in progress and by the Spring of 2021 2,557 new…
… others in the Borough – businesses, organisations and residents – to become sustainable. As community leader, the Council is well placed to identify opportunities, to promote the importance of making changes and to advice on practicalities. The objectives are: 7. Reduce residents’ reliance on petrol and diesel vehicles for travel within the Borough 8. Reduce waste and increase recycling 9…
… station at Wormley and Park Plaza, and for low emission buses. Existing No update 20 Objective 8: Reduce waste and increase recycling Task Responsibility Target Resourcing Programme update RAG status 8.1 Continue public information campaigns to promote waste minimisation and recycling. Communications Manager Waste & Street Scene Manager Household recycling…
… rate reduces gap with average for Hertfordshire. Existing Feature in Our Broxbourne Summer 2021 issue. Social media outreach 8.2 Provide information on recycling and green waste collection along with the Council Tax bill to households moving into the Borough. Waste & Street Scene Manager, Head of Finance, Council Tax Manager Approximately £1k for double sided colour…