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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including the closely related terms waste, and waste hierarchy.

1 result

East Devon District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… etc. Campaign to reduce the air pollution from vehicles. April 2022 AE Link to the Green Travel Plan and improved public and personal transport. Objective 4 EDDC will help reduce emissions from waste by encouraging a reduction in the amount of waste generated in East Devon and an increase in recycling rates, prioritising energy recovery technologies above landfill, and utilising any…

… energy, fuels or compost that are produced as a result of processing waste. Ensure the Waste Strategy policies continue to promote the waste hierarchy and the efficient use of energy and fuels generated by Energy Recovery facilities, and that these are implemented effectively. December 2020 AH Refresh the waste strategy to ensure that we are optimising recycling and income from…


… that are hard to recycle using our industry contacts. Enhance the green waste scheme and encourage composting of garden waste and use on our parks, gardens and nature reserves. December 2019 AH Continue to increase our customer base and subscribers to reduce the amount of green waste recycled. Objective 5 EDDC will support low carbon energy by helping to identify new models for investment…

… and Strata. There will be significant cost implications but these are unknown at this stage. Adopt the Circular Economy approach of refuse; reduce; reuse and recycle, whilst continuing to implement the Waste Strategy, which aims to continuously improve our recycling rate, and operate to high environmental credentials. December 2019 JG This is intended to reduce the Council’s consumption…


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