Including the closely related term waste.
… Digital inclusion - average download speeds Reduce tonnes of waste sent to landfill and increase the proportion recycled Increase journeys by sustainable transport / non- car Increase access to public transport Increase participation in cultural events Reduce victims of domestic abuse Reduce the number of rough sleepers / homelessness Improve satisfaction with local community Victims…
… to do so • Accessed £14 million for walking and cycling improvements across the borough • Provide all residents with a comprehensive recycling service for a wide range of materials, recycling 54% waste across the borough • Supported the Clean Switch campaign to assist residents to switch to a green tariff • Improving the energy efficiency of homes across the borough…
… still. C02 Emissions Across Tameside Borough-wide emissions TMBC contribution to Borough-wide emissions 30 30 31 R ED UC ING CO N S UMPT ION A N D P R OCURING S US TA INABLY In terms of efficiency – the first action is to reduce consumption or demand for resources. We must be vigilant and address waste head on. As a Council – protecting the public purse is an important component…
… through tree planting • Low carbon solutions when refitting • Development of renewable opportunities • Offer a great webpage for reference and information • Carbon literacy training • Enable uptake of sustainable travel options • Support GM clean air plan • Drive environmental inititative through supply chain conditions • Monitor and improve waste processing TABLE OF AP P ENDICES Detailed action…