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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 4 closely related terms such as reductions, waste, and food waste.

1 result

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… signing up to Green Your Festival principles Outcome 6.5: An increase in the proportion of reuse and recycling and a reduction in waste to landfill RM3 Promote and deliver activities that support the waste hierarchy of reduce, reuse and recycle to help meet our waste, recycling and climate targets. Head of Waste Management #/% reduction of contamination levels collected by DEA routes…

Management #%reduction in use of single-use plastics Outcome 6.5: An increase in the proportion of reuse and recycling and a reduction in waste to landfill RM2 Deliver the Green Your Festival initiative to reduce the environmental impact of Council events, removing single use plastic where possible. Head of Wellbeing and Cultural Services # of stall holders removing single use plastic # events…

… to zero carbon forms of travel in the District, including walking and cycling, in order to improve air quality and meet our climate goals. No Action Lead Performance measure Outcome(s) T1 Implement measures to decarbonise the Council’s fleet. Head of Waste Management #%Reductions in carbon emissions from Council fleet. Outcome 6.1: The Council’s carbon emissions are managed and reduced. T2 Carry…

… by your organisation, waste disposal which is not owned or controlled, or purchased materials. Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs) are vehicles that are reported to emit less than 75g of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the tailpipe for every kilometre travelled. In practice, the term typically refers to battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel cell electric vehicles. Zero waste / circular…

… (recycling) #/% increase in food waste tonnages collected in Brown Bins and Separate foodwaste Outcome 5.2: Council’s strategies, plans and policies support communities to live more sustainably, reduce carbon emissions and adapt to a changing climate Outcome 6.5: An increase in the proportion of reuse and recycling and a reduction in waste to landfill RM4 Implement environmental and climate…


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