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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 9 closely related terms such as waste planning, waste, and household waste.

1 result

Blackpool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…; Lancashire Mineral and Waste Planning team; council funding Provide alternative power generation option dealing with waste 47. Influence 10 year municipal waste strategy Both Director of Community and Environmental Services March 2022 Head of Waste Policy and Partnerships; council funding Support implementation of emissions and waste agendas 48. Use data to identify high and low waste areas…

… average. Most of this is from gas and electricity, but also from household waste and a small proportion from households burning other fuels. Household waste is a big contributor to emissions of other gases than CO2, with some of these like methane having a higher impact on the environment per kilogramme. Industrial and Commercial emissions in Blackpool mostly come from general commercial activity…

… own right. The Council will develop a Water Action Plan for the organisation to address this, but we will also look at how we can work with others to reduce water use more generally. Some of our most important actions include: • Work with Lancashire County Council to identify and implement an Energy from Waste facility, turning leftover material into green gas • Implement the new…

… further internal and external resources Red Actions = Reliant on external funding Blackpool’s Climate Emergency Action Plan 25 ID Action Type Lead officer Deadline Resources? Outcome Theme 5: Cleansing, Waste, Food and Water 46. Continue to review potential of Energy From Waste facility Both Director of Community and Environmental Services Ongoing Head of Waste Policy and Partnerships…

… themes 8 Housing 9 Buildings and the Built Environment 10 Transport, Getting Around and Digital 11 Power and Heat 12 Cleansing, Food, Water and Waste 13 Community Leadership, Communication and Involvement 14 Working With Others 15 Business 16 Natural Environment 17 Building Knowledge, Capacity and Financial Resources 18 Checking our progress 19 Blackpool’s Climate Emergency: Action Plan 20…


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