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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 7 closely related terms such as waste, waste collection, and food waste.

1 result

Richmondshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… carbon emissions from the Council’s fleet Reducing miles travelled. Ref. Project Name Description Completion Date Responsible Officer(s) Resources CRP4 Review frequency and bin size of residual bin collections In service review with recommended action, as part of ongoing wider review of waste collection service to reflect reduction in residual household waste expected…

… and Street Scene Manager Within existing. CRP6 Follow on project to CRP4. Decisions on frequency of residual waste collection and size of bins Beyond 2023 Waste and Street Scene Manager Depends on outcome of waste service review. Transitioning the Council’s fleet to no or low carbon vehicles. Ref. Project Name Description Completion Date Responsible Officer(s) Resources…

… if sponsorship can be attracted. COM18 Carbon reduction communications campaigns Regular communications and social media releases to promote low carbon living, e.g. repairing bulky waste, reducing food waste, etc. to align with national campaigns where possible. From Oct- 21 and ongoing thereafter Climate Change Officer/ Communications Officer Within existing. COM19 Maintain…

… alternatives wherever possible. h) Implementing new systems to reduce the amount of residual waste collected and increase the proportion of waste collected that is recycled. i) Making the most of Council owned land and buildings to generate renewable energy, increase tree planting and enhance biodiversity. j) Accelerating organisational culture change so that carbon reduction considerations…

…) and procure and install appropriate EV charging infrastructure at Depot. Sep-22 Waste and Street Scene Manager Allocation already in capital programme. £15K from green initiatives for EV charging point at depot. CRP9 Review the low or no carbon options for replacement residual waste collection vehicles. Review and report on options and costs to replace vehicles, having regard…


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