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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 10 closely related terms such as waste recycling, minimise waste, and waste.

1 result

Newcastle-Under-Lyme District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

collected for recycling. • Recycling of household items is used to help residents furnish homes. • Separate food waste collection and recycling service is provided to residents in the Borough as well as food waste reduction awareness programmes. • We recycle machinery parts and waste oil used at our Knutton depot. • The Cremators at Bradwell Crematorium are designed such that the emissions from mercury…

… • We will reduce our use of natural re- sources and encourage their reuse and recycling. • We will continue to provide a wide range of recycling opportunities includ- ing a wide range of plastics. • We will provide separate household and business food waste recycling services and promote reduction in food waste. • Increasing our tree canopy and sequestration of carbon through the combined…

… to. The themes identified include: Built EnvironmentNatural Environment Travel & Transport Waste, Recycling & Resource Management Awareness, Engagement & Behaviour Change Energy consumption & Renewables Built EnvironmentNatural Environment Travel & Transport Waste, Recycling & Resource Management Awareness, Engagement & Behaviour Change Energy consumption &…

…; Renewables Built EnvironmentNatural Environment Travel & Transport Waste, Recycling & Resource Management Awareness, Engagement & Behaviour Change Energy consumption & Renewables National data available from BEIS Local Authority Emissions dataset on the level of carbon emissions within Newcastle-under-Lyme are split by domestic, industrial and trans- port emissions. It shows…

… and protect local air quality, odours and flooding. • Support local food producers markets and local food production. • Support the development of a county-wide Air Quality Strategy. • Work with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust to protect and restore wildlife habitats. Minimise waste and recycle more • Take an active role within the Staffordshire Joint Waste Management Board to support and progress…


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