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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 6 closely related terms such as waste, waste collection, and food waste.

1 result

Cambridge City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, and investment in zero emission buses. Sustainable transport in Cambridge 2 Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), 2020, UK local authority and regional carbon dioxide emissions national statistics: 2005-2018 OBJECTIVE 4 Reducing consumption of resources, reducing waste, and increasing recycling in Cambridge Solid waste disposal accounts for 3.7% of carbon emissions…

… in Cambridge, but this figure is much higher when taking into account the production and transport of goods which are ultimately thrown away. We will help reduce carbon emissions from waste by promoting a more circular economy based around reusing, repairing and recycling materials: ● Rolling out a large-scale trial of separate food waste collections in the north of Cambridge and considering…

… emissions from City Council buildings, land, vehicles and services page 22 OBJECTIVE 2 Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions from homes and buildings in Cambridge page 31 OBJECTIVE 3 Reducing carbon emissions from transport in Cambridge page 38 OBJECTIVE 4 Reducing consumption of resources, reducing waste, and increasing recycling in Cambridge page 42 OBJECTIVE 5 Promoting…

… extending this to other areas of the city. The ‘food waste punt’ ● Continuing communications campaigns to encourage residents to recycle and reduce contamination, linking these to national campaigns and messaging. ● Encouraging businesses to take up recycling collections and re-use food waste and engaging with companies to reduce packaging and make it more recyclable. ● Supporting local…

… (including cars and other private vehicles, goods traffic and public transport). We have also used the SCATTER13 tool to provide a more detailed breakdown of emissions by different subsectors in Cambridge. The data is slightly different to the BEIS data presented above, because it includes emissions from subsectors such as aviation, waste disposal, electricity generation. The SCATTER inventory…


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