Including 4 closely related terms such as reduce, waste, and waste collection.
…. 17 HPBC PLAN - 2021/22 2021/22 activity in relation to the Council’s vehicles involves working with the Energy Saving Trust and AES (the Council owned company responsible for waste collection, street scene and parks maintenance) to assess the Council’s needs, options in relation to developing technology (electric/ hydrogen/other), the investment in infrastructure required to support new…
… Gas and electricity = 1413 metric tonnes The current electricity supply source mix includes 47% renewable and 9% nuclear Reduce energy use/ improve energy efficiency Improve insulation -reduce waste. Use of technology - LEDs and improved control systems. Asset Management Strategy Capital Programme Commission expert advice to review the estate and determine the action plan…
… when agreed) Develop measures to assess at planning stage the CO2e in goods, products and services to be procured. Encourage staff to reduce waste. Procurement Strategy Single use plastic policy Approval of revised strategy. June/July 2021 Commission an assessment of CO2e embedded in procured products and services – to identify the baseline. Training for all managers. Staff…
… vehicles and the production of a fleet replacement strategy up to 2030. This assessment is expected to be available in late 2021 or early 2022 and in the meantime, where vehicles must be replaced, the Council is choosing the lowest CO2e emitting vehicles. The Council has undertaken an initial trial of an electric light goods vehicle and an electric waste vehicle. The Council has set a specific…
… such as flooding • Duties and powers to protect the environment, wildlife and heritage • Duties to collect and dispose of waste • Borrowing and investment powers The Council’s Climate Change Working Group has been working through the wider issue of greenhouse gas emissions from the Borough, considering greenhouse gas emissions from travel and transport, housing, industry, agriculture, land use…