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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including the closely related term waste.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… the feasibility of Manchester becoming a zero waste city by 2050 and the development of a delivery plan MMU GMCA, GM Waste Disposal Authority, MCC, MMU Waste 2 Resources Innovation Network R&W2 Implement carbon related objectives in the Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan GMCA MCC, GMWDA R&W3 Provide guidance to home owners on reducing waste and improving resource efficiency…

… Implementation Plan 2017-22 Manchester’s Climate Change Strategy for 2017-50 sets out the commitment for the city to play its full part in limiting the impacts of global climate change, locally and globally and to become zero carbon, zero waste, and climate resilient by 2050. The strategy has five headline objectives: sustainable economy and jobs; healthy communities; resilience to climate change; zero…

…-led solutions and the voluntary and community sector • Digital technologies and data • Working with Greater Manchester Combined Authority, UK Government and devolution ENABLING ACTIONS • Buildings • Energy • Transport • Resources and waste • Food • Green spaces and waterways THEMATIC ACTIONS • Residents and communities • Businesses • Schools and colleges • Universities…

… stakeholders in the city. Manchester Youth Council MCC, MCCA, universities, UpRising, MEEN, Carbon Literacy Project Innovation, investment and business growth EA6 Provide support to help Manchester businesses to develop and supply the goods and services needed to create a zero carbon, zero waste, climate resilient city. Manchester Growth Company GMCA, Chamber of Commerce, Federation…

… £20 per person per year for long-term investment in these areas. MCC TfGM, MCC, GMCA, MCCA T2 Undertake research to identify how Manchester can best prepare for the introduction of an international agreement on aviation emissions and carbon management options available in the meantime. MMU Manchester Airport Resources and waste R&W1 Undertake research to investigate…


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