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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 8 closely related terms such as waste management, more waste, and waste.

1 result

Wealden District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…. Not reported due to lack of information or incomplete data: Emissions from WDC employee use of public transport – no records available for this activity Water consumption– incomplete metered data Emissions from waste collection service and Council waste disposal – insufficient information Street cleaning – insufficient information Authority level) is not available…

… that there are additional Scope 3 emissions, such as those arising from business travel on public transport, waste collection, waste processing, water usage and procurement, that have not been quantified in this report due to insufficient data. In the future, Wealden District Council could consider a variety of additional data collection methods that could provide further visibility of these Scope 3 emissions…

… Emergency Plan AECOM Prepared for: Wealden District Council 2 emissions), or activities of the Council (for the Council’s own emissions), at any point in the value chain. This includes emissions from water treatment, waste management, commuting, and the fuels required to manufacture and transport goods. Scope 3 emissions are not included in the baselines…

…. Published in 2011, the Strategy considers a 15-year timeframe (i.e. up to 2026). As described by the East Sussex County Council (ESCC), ‘key aims of the strategy include: • minimising the amount of waste created and getting more waste re-used and recycled • reducing carbon emissions and the use of fossil fuels • improving habitats to reverse and prevent the loss of plant and animal species…

…. This includes emissions from water treatment, waste management, commuting, and the fuels required to manufacture and transport goods. For the Council’s own emissions, this includes emissions associated with buildings and services linked to the Council but where it is not responsible for paying the fuel bills, for example leased properties, the leisure centres and the waste management system…


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