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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including the closely related terms waste, and waste disposal.

1 result

London Borough of Haringey

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…, cooling and electricity purchased by residents, businesses and others in the borough  Scope 3. All other indirect emissions, such as waste disposal, aviation, diets, and wider behaviour change. For the purposes of this Action Plan, and the setting of a net zero carbon target for Haringey, only Scope 1 and 2 emissions are included. This is because the data which the Council can access…

… to a minimum. All new Council buildings designed and constructed during this time will also be required to be zero carbon on site. This is already being designed into new buildings and planned to be delivered on sites such as the new council depot at Marsh Lane, and the redevelopment at Osborne Grove Nursing Home. The Council will also show leadership by developing a Waste and Recycling Strategy…

… for its own waste. This will cover operations and aim to reduce resource consumption and increase recycling rates. The Council will also work with other public bodies to support the local supply chain, with local businesses to deliver wider carbon reduction. 6.23 Stage three will be carbon offsetting of any remaining unavoidable carbon emissions. After 2027, and to achieve the final stage…

… emissions. The Council and borough stakeholders will support the increasing number of Haringey neighbourhoods who want to see changes to the way the community uses the highways. The Council and partners will implement liveable neighbourhood principles across the borough, supporting the increasing number of play streets requests, and reorganise on-street parking and waste systems to deliver air…

…:// emissions …


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