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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including the closely related terms waste, waste collection, and waste collection.

1 result

Derbyshire Dales District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… market areas and depots, plus emissions from transport fuel (passenger vehicles, tractors, street cleaning and maintenance vehicles) and for parks and ground care. Finally, four leisure centres are still owned by the Council but were outsourced in 2018, while waste collection services are also outsourced. Neither form a part of this assessment, although they are discussed in sections 0 and 0…

…. As this is restricted to small air-conditioning units at the Town Hall and in vehicles, these are likely to be minimal; however, we recommend that this data is collected for future monitoring and reporting. Emissions associated with outsourced activities, including leisure centres and waste collection, are also excluded (see next section). 3.5.1 Leisure Centres carbon footprint The Council’s four…

… responsible. 3.5.2 Waste and recycling collection Many of the Council’s waste collection activities are outsourced to Serco. Again, these emissions are not included in DDDC’s direct carbon footprint given above. Data for the activities has not been made available and ClearLead therefore cannot calculate them; however, we recommend calculating and tracking emissions from outsourced activities…

… ...................................................................................... 9 3.4 Emissions by scope .............................................................................................. 10 3.5 Omissions ............................................................................................................. 11 3.5.1 Leisure Centres carbon footprint .................................................................... 11 3.5.2 Waste and recycling…

… the next 12 months. The project has high carbon saving potential (the site is by far the Council’s largest consumer of gas), but we strongly recommend exploring other options that may see a reduction in heating requirement – such as improved insulation and double-glazing – before committing to a like-for-like boiler replacement, to avoid wasting money on a boiler that may turn out to be oversized…


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