Including 10 closely related terms such as waste reduction, waste, and waste collection.
… have convenient and sufficient space for storage of recyclable and non-recyclable waste. 3y Introduce planning requirements for construction waste (recycling, diversion from landfill) on new-build projects. 3y Make the food waste collection scheme permanent It’s likely that UK government will legislate this at some point in the future. 3y Introduce a food waste collection scheme…
… the waste generated, look for alternatives for any non-recyclable waste. 3y Target a 70% recycling rate for waste from all council buildings by 2021 Setting a high target internally will help to better understand how to achieve higher rates throughout the district as a whole. 3y Introduce food waste bins in all office areas. Achieving the target of zero organic waste to landfill by 2025…
…, a recycling rate of 70% of all solid municipal waste must be achieved by 2025. 3y Target zero biodegradable waste to landfill by 2025 As recommended by the CCC to the UK Government in May 2019. NWLDC Zero Carbon Roadmap 20190234 | Sept 2020 | Rev M 7 3y Introduce planning requirements for domestic waste storage and collection Requirements should ensure all new properties…
… for businesses A food waste collection scheme from all businesses in the district (not only catering and retail, but anywhere food waste may be disposed of) should be implemented by 2023. To achieve the target of zero organic waste to landfill by 2025, all sources of biodegradable waste need to be addressed. Forestry, land use and agriculture 3y Increase woodland cover by at least a factor of two…
…. 3y Engage with supermarkets in the district to discuss feasibility of a ‘Zero food waste’ system The system would seek to reduce food waste to zero by following a 3-tier approach: discounts to customers, donations to charity, animal feeds. 3y Run food waste reduction campaigns for businesses Not only does food waste produce methane in its decomposition, but also the production of food…