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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including the closely related term waste.

1 result

North Kesteven District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Introduction page 4 2. Communication and Engagement page 16 3. Adaptation page 19 4. Buildings page 21 5. Transport page 25 6. Natural Environment page 28 7. Energy page 32 8. Industry page 35 9. Waste and Water page 37 Appendix 1. Record of Review…

… Director of Resources Industry Economy and Place Director Waste and Water Assistant Director of Environment and Public Protection Introduction Our approach to Action Plan progress reporting and monitoring. To monitor the progress of all the live actions within our Action Plan, quarterly reporting is undertaken and presented to our Corporate Management Team and our Executive Board. End…

… our CEAP 2022/23 actions and for their commitment to our 2023/24 actions. The graph to the left shows the start date range for all actions in CEAP 2023/24, broken down by theme. The graph to the right shows the scale of each action, again broken down by theme. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9. Waste and Water 8. Industry 7. Energy 6. Natural Environment 5. Transport 4. Buildings 3…

…. Adaptation 2. Communications and Engagement 1. Decision Making CEAP 2023/24 Shown by End Date 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27-2030/31 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9. Waste and Water 8. Industry 7. Energy 6. Natural Environment 5. Transport 4. Buildings 3. Adaptation 2. Communications and Engagement 1. Decision Making CEAP 2023/24 Action Scale Graph by Theme NKDC District Key figures from…

… focused on Waste and Street Scene teams, to ensure adaptability and resilience to extreme weather, such as heat wave conditions. Following the exploration of opportunities, flexible changes are to be implemented from May 2023. 3.1.2 Adaptation Council Service Delivery Integrate climate related impacts into wider business continuity planning framework and processes, including adaptation…


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