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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 6 closely related terms such as reduce, waste recycling, and waste.

1 result

Borough of Broxbourne

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… In March 2022 the Council had stands at Waltham Cross and Hoddesdon markets to promote Food Waste Action week and encourage food waste recycling e.g. take it out of the black bin. A new Preventing Food Waste leaflet is being finalised. The Council’s waste team work closely with the Council’s Communications Team to send out regular recycling messaging via the website…

… Encourage schools to increase recycling, and to address waste minimisation, Waste & Street Scene Manager Broxbourne Association of Increased uptake of recycling collections by schools. Existing Herts Waste Partnership - Waste Aware Group Schools across the Borough were invited to engage with the Council to share their current environmental The Broxbourne School presented…

…. could cost more than the current deal. 2024. The Council can procure more greener electricity through this but the financial implications will need to be explored. the other Hertfordshire Authorities to look at other frameworks in terms of what they offer and a meeting was held with Laser to discuss green basket options. 1.7 Reduce waste and increase recycling from Council…

… offices and leisure centres. Facilities Manager Leisure Centre Manager Strategy and Business Manager for Sport Higher percentage of waste recycled. Baseline data set in March 2021. £15k capital for standardising bins / recycling points across all Council facilities. New bins installed at Bishops College and The Spotlight. This includes both internal and external…

… of environmentally friendly methods to protect young trees that limits use of plastic and minimises waste. £60k funding from s.106 Phase 4 (Winter 2022) - 2,024 trees to be planted (subject to budget). First phase of Queen’s Green Canopy to be two mature trees at Cedars Park and Jubilee Gardens, planted in February 2022. Since 2020 4,475 trees have been planted. During…


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