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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including 4 closely related terms such as reduce, waste, and food waste.

1 result

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council

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… in this area will also be dependent on the outcome of government’s consultation on a new Resources and Waste Strategy, which could have far- reaching impacts on waste generation and recycling provision locally and nationally. 5.7 Work with HCC to tackle food waste, including education programmes such as Love Food, Hate Waste, alongside consideration of food waste collection High TBC…

… to be commissioned for early 2022. 5.6 Work with Hampshire County Council to reduce waste generation and increase recycling rates through education programmes High TBC Ongoing Waste tonnage rates Recycling tonnage rates This will be progressed in partnership team with the waste and recycling team, with some support from the climate change team as new resource is recruited. Future action…

… Ongoing Food waste reduction, where measurable This will be progressed in partnership team with the waste and recycling team, with some support from the climate change team as new resource is recruited. Future action in this area will also be dependent on the outcome of government’s consultation on a new Resources and Waste Strategy, which could have far- reaching impacts on waste

… for everyone in the borough to contribute • Buildings – tackling emissions from heating and powering our buildings • Transport – tackling emissions from vehicles • Zero carbon electricity – supporting the transition to a decarbonised electricity system • Waste and Consumption – reducing waste and consumption • The Natural Environment – maximising the climate mitigation and adaptation qualities…

… to help staff to travel sustainably. 3.5 Work with waste services provider to increase efficiency throughout contract and continue to High TBC Ongoing Waste fleet mileage/fuel consumption and associated CO2 emissions Emissions from the waste contract vehicles saw a reduction in 20/21 compared to 19/20 of 107 tCO2e, a reduction of just over 9%. reduce emissions where…


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