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Search results for "waste reduction"

Including the closely related terms waste planning, waste, and waste planning.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

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… responsibility as the highways authority for the delivery of the Essex Local Transport Plan; Local Education Authority including early years and childcare; Minerals and Waste Planning Authority; Lead Local Flood Authority; lead advisors on Public Health and delivery of adult and children’s social care services and;  being an infrastructure funding partner, supporting the delivery of strategic…

… in further iterations of this statement, as the JSP preparation progresses. 9.4 Minerals and Waste Planning Planning for minerals and waste in South Essex is the responsibility of Thurrock and Southend Councils, and Essex County Council8. This is managed through separate local planning processes and will therefore not be part of the JSP. A separate SCG will be prepared to help manage…

… the strategic minerals and waste planning matters. 8 Essex and Southend Waste Local Plan (2017), Essex Minerals Local Plan (2014), Thurrock Core Strategy (2011) 15 10. Making Decisions and working together Figure 5: JSP Governance Structure 10.1 ASELA has overall responsibility for implementing the South…

…), Planning Policy for Travellers Sites (PPTS) and National Planning Policy for Waste (NPPW) 13 February 2017…


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