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Search results for "waste management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as waste reduction, waste reduction, and waste.

1 result

Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… to reduce waste Group Ref Action Owner Startdate End/ review date Service offer and infrastructure 4.1 Work with our waste partners and suppliers to develop and implement a CarbonManagement Plan which is focussed on reducing emissions. Corporate Head of Contracts In progre ss 2025 4.2 Work with the South London Waste Partnership to develop a comprehensiverecycling service offer to businesses…

… Homes and Buildings 16 Theme 2: How we travel 18 Theme 3: Natural Environment 21 Theme 4: Waste Reduction 24 Theme 5: Sustainable Council 26 Theme 6: Green Economy 31 Theme 7: Everyone together 33 Measuring and reporting 35 The Council’s carbon baseline 35 Kingston Carbon emissions 37 Next Steps 39 Appendices 40 Appendix A - Our Carbon Baseline methodology 40 Appendix B - London and National…

… and waste reduction. Considering what people are most energised by and what they connect to most will help inform future engagement plans and approaches; ● For those engaged in the conversation, many thought Climate Action should be a priority for the Council; ● People engaged in the conversation shared a range of ideas to contribute to the plan and action on climate; ● There are some differing views…

… and accessibility ofgreen spaces which are outside of the Council’s direct management Corporate Head of Contracts 2022 2030 Page 24 | 44 Theme 4: Waste Reduction We are proud of the recycling rates in Kingston - in 2021 our rate was 47.6%. However, good recycling rates only tell part of the story. We aspire to be a borough that takes more responsibility, reusing and borrowing rather than buying…

… and disposing. We continually encourage residents and businesses to limit their impact on the environment by reducing the amount of waste they produce, reusing items where possible and making the most of recycling services. We are working with the South London Waste Partnership boroughs to set a strategy for all waste and recycling services from contract break points in 2025. As decisions are made…


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