Including 6 closely related terms such as manage, management, and waste hierarchy.
… Stakeholder Timescale Funding Staffing 2.21.1 Review policies for air quality, transport, waste management and sustainability at events and festivals Head of Culture and Libraries Communities; Council Short Review…
… Owner Stakeholder Timescale Funding Staffing 2.22.1 Review relevant waste disposal contracts as they are retendered Head of Category Management, Waste Disposal Manager…
… and Parking, Planning Manager Policy Community; Developers; Transport operators Short and ongoing Officer time only – to be funded through core/existing budget Partially resourced (Some resourcing required from stakeholders) 3.1.7 Draft planning policy will address design, heat opportunities, Carbon Fund, community led initiatives, waste hierarchy, road user hierarchy and street design…
… In 2022/23 budget Delivered through existing staff 5.18 Review council commercial waste management practices and identify opportunities for improvement (own property) Head of Capital Projects, Medway Norse Do It Now In 2022/23 budget Delivered through existing staff 6. Transport, Travel and Digital Connectivity…
… – In 2022/23 budget Delivered through existing staff 2.17 Support delivery on the aims of the Medway Food Partnership and in doing so, (a) Reduce the use of single use plastics through the Refill scheme and the offer of water refill stations to businesses and residents. (b) Address sustainability issues associated with food production, waste, and procurement. Head of Health and Wellbeing…