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Search results for "waste management"

Including 8 closely related terms such as manage, management, and new waste.

1 result

South Oxfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Strategic / direct / enabling Officer Lead South Cabinet Lead a) Prepare new waste management approach to align with provisions of the Environment Bill SD1 Narrative Report on the development of the new waste contract, particularly how it aligns with the Environment Bill and how it will reduce carbon emissions strategic Head of Housing and Environment Cabinet Member for Environment, Climate…

…. Direct The results of these actions will produce a quantifiable reduction in carbon emissions from implementing a specific project or making a direct change to a service. For example, we will be able to measure the reduction in our carbon emissions from swapping to electric vehicles, or from implementing a new waste management contract. Emissions from direct actions will be calculated using…

… Change and Nature Recovery b) Specify new waste management contract with route optimisation, collection frequency and vehicle size to minimise carbon emissions SD2 Narrative direct Head of Housing and Environment Cabinet Member for Environment, Climate Change and Nature Recovery c) Trial electric refuse vehicles and other relevant vehicle options, to identify the most suitable vehicles…

… carbon emissions from our own operations to make us a carbon neutral council. Our approach to this work is guided by our data and five principles, outlined below. Our Data Looking at our council carbon emission data from our baseline year 2019/20, almost half of our emissions come from our three leisure centres, while over a third of our carbon emissions comes from our waste collection services…

…, to support their climate action journeys. South Oxfordshire District Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2019/20 Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions Waste Collection 40.8% Leisure 46.8% Other Council Properties 5.9% Service Contracts 1.2% Staff and Councillor Mileage 1.7% Council Offices 3.7% Our Principles This Plan is guided by five principles, which we will embed in our approach to climate…


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