Including 7 closely related terms such as waste reduction, minimise waste, and waste reduction.
… will be used in “cartoon” style messaging to enable pictorial demonstrations of how to recycle and minimise waste, helping overcome language barriers. Food Waste campaign Using data from a resident trial in 2019 a borough-wide communications campaign will be run to target a reduction in the amount of food residents waste. Events will be held either online or face to face if possible. 13.3 Recycling…
… the reliance on written instructions. The character will be used in “cartoon” style messaging to enable pictorial demonstrations of how to recycle and minimise waste, helping overcome language barriers. Food Waste campaign Using data from a resident trial in 2019 a borough-wide communications campaign will be run to target a reduction in the amount of food residents waste. Events will be held either…
… online or face to face if possible. 13.6 Reduce Waste and Increase Re-use A. Decreasing the number of free collections each household receives for bulky waste to two per household per year, alongside signposting residents to re- use options like Homestore and Reclaim at the Lane and Freecycle. April 2020 – change to bulky waste service B. Promote circular economy initiatives and work with local…
… day food to people in need, with an ongoing impact of saving 3.8 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of food diverted from the waste stream. • Engaging every school in programmes to ensure every child is fully engaged on food for health and Climate Now from growing and production through preparation and plate to energy and waste. 11 13. Waste Reduction and Recycling Ref Actions Key Dates 13.1 Move…
… contaminated waste. (Contamination is when items are placed in the recycling bins that cannot be recycled in the scheme. When items like nappies or food waste are placed in the recycling bins it can make the other clean and dry material too dirty to be recycled.) • Full implementation of the “one bin, no side waste” policy and monitoring any impact of this on fly tipping. 13.2 Borough wide roll out…