Including 10 closely related terms such as management, manage, and waste management.
…. Council Assets and Operations • 0.5MW solar panels installed on local authority owned buildings generating £100k/pa combined income and saving. • Installed 30 secondary double glazed units, replaced 150 light bulbs and replaced gas boiler with an A rated replacement at Grade 2* listed Town Hall saving 15 tonnes of CO2 emissions since 2014. • Total Household Waste collected…
… 2010-2020 571,455 tonnes. • Total Household Waste recycled 2010-2020 301,939 tonnes. • Total Percentage recycled 2010-2020 52.84%. 8 C L I M A T E C H A N G E S T R A T E G Y C L I M A T E C H A N G E S T R A T E G Y 9 Natural Environment • Flood alleviation schemes – Foxearth, Steeple Bumpstead, Williams Drive - Braintree, Forest Road - Witham. • Habitat…
…, responsibility for disposal is Essex County Council’s (Waste Disposal Authority). As members of the Essex Waste Management Partnership Board we will continue to work with them and other Councils across Essex to encourage the most environmentally sustainable options for the future processing and treatment of residual waste. There will be changes to the way that that resources and waste are managed…
…, partners and the wider community to minimise our District’s environmental impact by reducing waste, carbon and pollution. Foreword Councillor Wendy Schmitt, Cabinet Member for Environment A public engagement exercise was carried out between May and July 2021, to hear the views of residents, businesses and stakeholders on our draft Climate Change Strategy. Different engagement…
… safe, well and warm during the colder months • Provided an electrical items recycling service, historically through library collections and more recently through kerbside bulky waste collections • Promoted Freegle to encourage reuse of items instead of throwing them away Resources • Since 2005 1,252 tonnes of CO2 have been saved through the reduction of our gas…