Including 5 closely related terms such as waste, waste disposal, and food waste.
… options Challenging all economic sectors to review their practices and the values of those they do business with Divesting from fossil fuels Changing our dietary patterns and reducing food waste Changing agricultural practices to reduce emissions associated with farming operations, manage soils sustainably and replenish soil carbon Encouraging carbon storage such as through…
… in 2050 compared to 1990 levels, and has legislated five-year carbon budgets covering the period to 2032 that are compatible with this long-term target. The UK was the first country to set legally binding carbon budgets. The scope covers the entire UK economy namely from the power, buildings, industry, transport, agriculture and waste sectors. Where emissions rise in one sector, the UK…
… drive and influence emissions reductions and improved resilience in their areas through the services they deliver, their role as community leaders and major employers, and their regulatory and strategic functions. For county councils this includes strategic plans related to Education, Highways, Waste Disposal, Public Health, Passenger Transport, Flood Risk Management, Minerals and Waste…
… and refrigeration). Scope 2 energy indirect – consumption of purchased electricity, heat, steam and cooling. Scope 3 other indirect – purchased materials and fuels; transport related activities; waste disposal; leased assets and franchising and outsourcing; sold goods and services. We commissioned the University of Exeter to assist us with this complex piece of work. The Centre for Energy…
… 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 G H G E m is si o n s tC O 2 e Annual GHG Emissions by Category (Scope 1 = blue, Scope 2 = red, Scope 3 = green) 11. Offset Emissions 10. Sold Goods and Services 9. Leased assets and franchising, outsourcing 8. Waste disposal 7. Transport related activities 6. Purchased material and fuel 5. Electricity 4. Fugitive emissions 3. Process emissions East…