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Search results for "waste management"

Including 9 closely related terms such as waste reduction, manage, and management.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

…, designed to aggregate sources of funding that can help communities, landowners and businesses take action to help nature recover quickly. The waste management strategy for the area is out-of-date and should be revisited as a matter of urgency. Plans should include the development, by June 2022, of a communication programme with the public for waste reduction, waste separation and recycling, building…

… on existing activities, including a consistent approach to waste management across the region. There should be targets, across the CPCA area, for at least a 37% reduction in residual waste by 2030 and for recycling of household waste at 65% by 2030. Preparations need to be made now for the separate collection of recyclable and compostable materials. New EfW plants should only go ahead with public…

… Commission on Climate Preface In this full report we have expanded our recommendations to include business and industry; nature and water; waste; and adapting to climate change. Where there have been signi�cant changes since our original report we have provided a commentary in that chapter. Our work highlighted a strong desire amongst residents to get involved in responding to climate change…

… government powers in transport, planning and borrowing are critical in driving the transformation. Local action will be needed in areas such as planning, home renovation, nature-based interventions, waste management, communication and engagement to support behaviour change, and ensuring that national schemes and support can be used to maximum e�ect and leveraged to accelerate the transition locally…

… agreement, and on the basis that the economic case stands up in the light of ambitious targets for waste reduction, resource e�ciency and recycling, and with the requirement for CCS to be �tted from the outset. Existing EfW waste plant should be retro�tted with CCS by 2035. Nature Waste: Bene�ts from these actions If we take these actions, we can put ourselves on track to play our part in meeting…


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