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Search results for "waste management"

Including the closely related term waste.

1 result

Cardiff Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… direct energy use in all buildings, commercial and domestic • Increase renewable energy supply to replace fossil fuels • Shift to more sustainable methods of transport • Reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emission from the production and delivery of our purchased goods and services • Make smarter choices to waste less • Increase the opportunity to absorb emissions with our green…

… this pathway and meeting our target. We have established a 2019/20 baseline for Cardiff Council emissions based on the Welsh Government Net Zero Carbon Reporting guidance which covers direct emissions including buildings, fleet, waste in operations and land emissions and indirect including procurement and business travel. BEIS data has been used to evaluate the whole City’s emissions focusing…

… but where generation and associated emissions are else where. Scope 3 - All Other Indirect”Caused” Emissions This covers emissions associated with procurement, staff commute and direct waste. It also takes into consideration sequestration - the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon Neutral by 2030 - What does that mean? The Scale of the Challenge for Cardiff Council and City…

… Carbon removal/ offsetting Carbon Emitters Trees & Green Infrastructure Renewable Energy Heating, lighting & power Waste: non-recyclables Procurement: what we buy Vehicle fuel emissions We can’t underestimate the scale of the challenge to achieve Carbon Neutral Council and City by 2030. It will require monumental effort from all stakeholders to make a material shift. The last…


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