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Search results for "waste management"

Including the closely related terms waste, waste collection, and waste collection.

1 result

Buckinghamshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… to emissions from staff and Councillors in their own vehicles where a mileage expense claim was made. Emissions from the use of public transport, such as train journeys, for work travel weren’t captured as the data is not available. This data does not cover our services where our staff do not directly provide it, for example waste collection vehicles operated around Wycombe, Chiltern and South…

… ........................................................................................ 37 Transportation .......................................................................................................... 37 Buildings and Developments .................................................................................... 39 Waste ....................................................................................................................... 41 Economy…

…. They address: emission reductions from sources such as buildings and waste; air pollutant sequestration, absorption, or screening; and managing flood risk. The ‘Governance’ section sets out how we manage the strategy to ensure continual improvement – taking advantage of future developments as they arise to improve delivery. Tackling climate change and poor air quality presents significant opportunities…

… considerations. Examples of A (1) activities are landfill sites and hazardous waste incinerators. • Part A (2) and Part B - Local Authorities regulate A (2) activities, as well as the lesser polluting Part B activities which are regulated for emissions to air only.…

… which sets out the Government’s commitment to reduce emissions from road transport, and the ambition of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to achieve sustainable development, including the protection and enhancement of our natural, built and historic environment. The forthcoming Environment Bill will introduce legally binding nature, water, air and waste targets from 2022. The aim…


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