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Search results for "waste management"

Including the closely related term waste.

1 result

Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…- duce carbon emissions. We will encourage more people to reduce their waste and make it easier for residents to compost or recycle. We have drastically reduced our waste to landfill over recent years with the opening of Kent Enviropower (Energy from Waste) facility in Allington, which is geographically beneficial in reducing waste miles too. Waste sent to Allington is incinerated to produce…

… and will set tangible annual targets to reduce waste sent to landfill or incineration. 12 C o m m u n it y & B u si n e ss E n ga ge m e n t…

…, to meet higher Euro emissions stand- ards and ultimately work towards all taxis becoming Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV). Although the Council does not own a large fleet of vehicles, there are a small number of parking and enforcement vehicles that we will replace to become elec- tric vehicles or ULEV. Similarly, contractors, such as our waste and recycling pro- viders, will be encouraged to use…

… W as te m an ag e m e n t Home energy efficiency work is delivered through a combination of advice, marketing and promotion, energy efficiency schemes, financial assistance and signposting to funded or discounted measures where available in partnership with other agencies. Waste Minimisation and Recycling Managing the way we deal with waste, helps to tackle climate change and re…

… their carbon footprint. We will progress the digitisation of services which will include the way we in- teract with our clients, such as actively encouraging residents to switch to pa- perless billing. We will reduce the amount of paper both internally as well as paper that is being sent out to clients. We will work with our contractors, such as Urbaser (waste and recycling pro- viders), the Tonbridge…


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