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Search results for "waste management"

Including 11 closely related terms such as sustainable waste management, manage, and management.

1 result

Colchester Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… measures to reduce trafc in the town centre and improve air quality. Provide sustainable waste management and support residents to reduce, reuse and recycle: Engage, educate and support residents to reduce, reuse and recycle their waste. Sustainably minimise the environmental impact of the whole system of waste generated and collected by the Borough. Implement a switch to electric vehicles…

… environment: Facilitate walking, cycling and sustainable transportaround Colchester: Provide sustainable waste management and supportresidents to reduce, reuse and recycle: Enable partnerships and community action forsustainability and low carbon development: Ensure sustainable planning and development: Change the way we work to achieve our climatecommitment: As a Local Authority, we have…

… consultation with stakeholders and innovation in the industry. In 2019, we ranked among the top 10 local authorities in the Friends of the Earth’s performance review in diferent categories including renewable energy, public transport, lift- sharing, energy efciency at home, waste recycling, and tree cover. In the same year, we declared a climate emergency. As a responsible Local Authority, we know…

… over an appropriate time for our waste collection service. Enable partnerships and community action for sustainability and low carbon development: Discover, nurture and enable the work led by communities that promotes adaptation, sustainability and environmental behaviour. Work alongside communities to maintain clean, green neighbourhoods and urban spaces that we all look after and enjoy…

… 365, to unify our data. For recycling tracking, this shows heatmaps of problem spots for collections where residents need more encouragement to recycle. The insights help us improve recycling services and reduce the amount of waste for the landfll. Created a new Environment and Sustainability Panel for Members to receive updates on work related to sustainability and carbon reduction…


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