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Search results for "waste management"

Including the closely related terms waste reduction, waste reduction, and waste.

1 result

West Berkshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…; • Replacing existing internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles on the Council’s fleet with Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV) along with the early development and adoption of a low emission vehicle strategy. • Waste reduction activities; • Setting individual ‘Carbon budgets’ for Council based operations (see ‘Managing our own carbon budget’); • Implementation of Council and district wide energy…

…-graphics as well as events and a strategic communications strategy to engage better with our residents, businesses and visitors about transport, waste and resource use in the future as we look towards a carbon neutral future in West Berkshire. [16] [17] STRATEGY 2020-30 21 Buildings Understand our carbon footprint…

… farmland carbon storage in soils and vegetation Improve biodiversity and wildlife Waste and Resource Efficiency Promote reduce, re-use, recycle principles Focus on local food production, distribution and consumption Understand local natural capital Reduce carbon emissions from supply chains 6. The Path to a Greener West Berkshire in 2030 6.1 Key Themes 6.1.1 Sustainable Transport…


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