Including 7 closely related terms such as waste reduction, waste recycling, and waste reduction.
… a number of initiatives to support this aim. Beyond 2025 the district will need to focus on moving beyond recycling to reduce total volumes through zero waste supply chains and encouraging development of a circular economy. Proposed new targets 2020 Permanent food waste recycling across the district. 2022 50% recycling rate 2023 Introduce food waste recycling…
…. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Total district GHG emissions Total district GHG reductions To ta l a nn ua l c ar bo n em is si on s fr om N W LD C (k tC O2 e) F-gases* Aviation* Industry Forestry and land use Transport Waste* Buildings and towns NWLDC Zero Carbon Roadmap Executive Summary 7 NWL District Council: Current greenhouse…
… for new buildings Planning control for new industrial installations and site emissions Electric transport infrastructure Waste reduction and diversion from landfill 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Total district GHG emissions Total district GHG reductions To ta l a nn ua l c ar bo n em is si on s fr om N W LD C (k tC O2 e) District Influence Direct Council…
… to businesses 2025 70% recycling rate 2025 20% reduction in food waste 2025 Zero organic waste to landfill 2050 Zero waste NWLDC Zero Carbon Roadmap Executive Summary 13 Forestry, land-use and agriculture Forestry, land-use and agriculture accounts for 9% of greenhouse gas emissions in NWL. The actions summarised below have multiple cross-sector…
… energy The creation of a Carbon Offset Fund A clear infrastructure vision for the electrification of transport Clear and precise requirements on waste, recycling and more generally the circular economy A new vision for the role National Forest towards Net Zero Carbon …