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Search results for "waste management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as manage, management, and management strategy.

1 result

Cannock Chase District Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… and the Government’s Resources and Waste Management Strategy 2018. 5.20 The Council forms part of two tier local government arrangements with the County Council having its own estate; fleet of vehicles and responsibly for waste disposal; transport etc. In addition, other key partners such as Staffordshire Police, Colleges; NHS etc. will have similar arrangements. In addition the WMCA and two LEPS…

… is a seven year (plus seven) contract with the first phase terminating on 31 March 2023 and is clearly a major factor in carbon neutrality. Any changes in advance of 2023 are likely to involve substantial costs. In addition any contact extension post 2023 will need to take into account additional resource requirements following changes to the recycling/green waste recycling credits scheme…

… do we make more energy? How do we transform our energy system to ensure it comes from renewable sources? How do we improve environmental quality on the journey to net zero? Waste – How do we reduce our waste to deliver net zero? Offsetting – How could Oxford offset the emissions it can’t reduce? The issue of biodiversity will be considered within each of these subject areas…


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