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Search results for "waste management"

Including 12 closely related terms such as new waste strategy, management, and manage.

1 result

Rushmoor Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

New waste strategy in place to support minimisation of waste and increased recycling/re-use of materials Waste Management Plan for Hampshire completed Executive Director/ Operations/ Hampshire County Council and Hampshire districts Hampshire County Council Plan ANNEX 1 Page 9 of 28 B3.3 Support the development and delivery of plans…

… the authority’s commitment to the climate emergency as a flagship project in the Action Plan. 4.6 The introduction of a food waste collection service represents the most significant change to the Council’s waste services in many years and the detail of the implementation plan will take time to develop considering some of the below: • The selection of food waste containers…

…, especially Hampshire County Council. This Report includes the first Action Plan for Rushmoor for the period 2020-2030. It is intended that the Action Plan will be updated on an annual basis to reflect the work undertaken, changes in priorities and progress towards achieving the Council’s objectives. A set of key priority areas are also proposed which include the delivery of a food waste collection

… service over the next year. The Cabinet is recommended to approve: 1. the Climate Change Action Plan 2020-2030; 2. the adoption of a separate food waste collection service in 2021/22 and the appointment of a Cabinet Working Group to guide the development and detail of the implementation plan, as set out in paragraph 4 and Annex 2; and 3. the proposed expenditure set out in paragraph 5…

…: • Improve the Council’s energy performance through: o Energy efficiency measures in Council run premises o Moving over to green energy when appropriate o Consider opportunities for energy generation • Support the development and delivery of the food waste collection service and waste minimisation – this will be a key project over the next 6-9 months and further information is set out…


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