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Search results for "waste management"

Including 9 closely related terms such as waste services, waste, and waste services.

1 result

Maidstone Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (HTML)

…-tipping addressed swiftly with minimal emissions. Cost and responsibility: £40k. Waste Services team. Timescale: 2020-25 Action 4.5 Investigate options to encourage home composting and using an anaerobic digester to process the domestic food waste collected. Output: promote home composting and assess feasibility of providing subsidised compost bins assess feasibility of requiring communal composting…

… with as much planning policy as possible to be adopted for all new developments; and assess feasibility of weekly recycling collections Outputs: develop Communications and Engagement Strategy to encourage residents to separate food waste, recycle materials appropriately and avoid contamination enforcement action where appropriate to address contamination and failure to manage waste in flats/communal…

… collections by managing agents produce new guidance to ensure all new developments have sufficient and appropriate provision for recycling; and asses feasibility of weekly collections Outcome: a minimum of 60% of household waste is re-used, recycled/composted by 2030 reduced food waste in residual waste increase capture rates of four key materials (paper, glass, metals and plastics) as well as food

waste compared with 2019-20 levels; and feasibility of weekly recycling collections used to inform plans for new waste collection contracts Cost and responsibility: Approximately £10K consultants’ costs for modelling of alternative collection services including weekly recycling collections. Waste Services and Communication team time. Timescale: 2020-30 Action 4.2…

… community litter picks the opportunity to recycle the waste collected. Output: Communities supported to plan safe litter picks where recycling can be easily separated from recycling. Litter collected through street cleansing service is separated wherever possible. Outcome: More community litter picks, and clean recyclable materials reclaimed. Cost and responsibility: Waste Services and Communication team…


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