Including 17 closely related terms such as sustainable waste management, waste reduction, and management.
… and increasing recycling rates to 70% across the UK (CCC, 2019). BCP Council will: Reduce Council waste sent to landfill and increase recycling from Council buildings Reduce resource use, particularly paper for printing and single-use plastic Unify household waste, recycling and food waste collections across the area to increase recycling and reduce residual waste Procure new residual…
… in the new Local Plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation, including a policy to encourage zero carbon developments, subject to viability testing Seek to include policies in the new Local Plan for Policy for new homes to be built to higher than current Building Regs standards Seek to make it a requirement in the Local Plan for renewable energy and sustainable waste management…
… 8,523 7,202 3,931 (estimated) 19,656 (estimated) Council Scope 1 emissions are from the direct burning of fuel (gas in buildings, diesel in vehicles), Scope 2 emissions are indirect, from the generation of the electricity we buy, and Scope 3 emissions are caused outside our boundary by our activities (staff travel, waste disposal and items we procure). This is illustrated at Fig.1…
… in scope 2) occurring outside the area (e.g. from purchased goods and services, business travel, staff commuting, waste disposal and investments) BCP Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency Declaration commits the Council to making all three scopes carbon neutral by 2030. Progress will be measured in tonnes of Carbon Dioxide equivalent (CO2e). This allows inclusion of other greenhouse gases…
…) Promote cost-effective energy improvements to businesses Consider waste reduction, reuse and recycling improvements to buildings Planning and Land Use Local authorities are regulatory authorities for town and country planning and this role can be used to positive effect in the action against climate change. Higher levels of energy efficiency in developments and on-site renewable generation…