Including the closely related terms waste, waste collection, and waste collection.
… a reduction in number of ‘cuts’ and promoting wild flowers etc. 1 N Low High 6 months 1.3 Process emissions 0 Waste collection is part of the Council’s obligations - those emissions are included within transport based emissions (2. Owned Transport). Waste processing is a function of upper tier authorities and so are out of scope for second tier authorities. There are no other process emissions…
… buildings 1 N High Med 5 years Investigate ‘fabric first approach’ to reduce energy needs 1 N Med Med 5 years 1.2 Owned transport 3199.4 Emissions associated with mobile equipment, typically transport equipment e.g. Localities vehicles, waste collection vehicles, maintenance vans, LA owned cars etc. Emissions were calculated from two sources. Firstly, fuel bought on forecourts data…
… saving Biodiversity saving Implementation time 3.8 Waste disposal 0 Emissions associated with disposal of the Council’s own waste e.g. from its offices (as opposed to waste produced by constituents). No data was available, though from past projects it is expected that this would be a very small number in the context of the overall footprint. 3.9 Leased assets and franchising…
… available on volume of fuel. Secondly, fuel consumption from Waste and Cleansing vehicles is from fuel stored in bunkers at the depots. This was calculated based on mileage of the fleet. For future years FCC will take over this service and will capture the amount of fuel used. Fuel use from mobile machinery was calculated based on estimates of fuel use for tools, lawnmowers and tractors…
… fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy projects 1 N High High 2 years Explore forming a non-profit green energy company 1 N High High 5 years Encourage residents to sign up to paperless billing and communication to reduce paper waste 4 N Low Low Adopt a sustainable procurement policy 2 Y High Med 1 year Work with top 10 suppliers to explore their approach to carbon reduction 3 n…