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Search results for "waste management"

Including 7 closely related terms such as sustainable waste management, management, and manage.

1 result

Oadby and Wigston Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… flood risk, both existing and future; and, achieving sustainable waste management. 5.2 The Local Plan seeks to actively encourage travel planning, working from home, cycling, walking and access to fast, frequent and affordable public transport. Whilst encouraging the reduction of private car use, it seeks to improve the highway network within the Borough to ensure as reliable and free…

…, whether it is new build or conversion, is required to illustrate the highest standards of design and construction. It requires all development to respect local history, character and vernacular, whilst incorporating measures to conserve energy, achieve sustainable energy generation and minimise waste. It requires a development to contribute towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions; reducing…

…; materials; surface water run-off; waste; pollution; health and wellbeing; management; ecology. How action effect change: This action will enable the Council to lead by example in terms of delivering energy efficient buildings. Links to Corporate Plan: GBE5 To have finalised proposals for the redevelopment of at least one town centre site; GBE6 To have finalised proposals for the delivery…


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