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Search results for "waste management"

Including 10 closely related terms such as waste reduction, management, and manage.

1 result

Oxford City Council

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… be a greater emphasis on reducing waste further up the chain, led by manufacturers and supermarkets, rather than the apparent focus on changing individuals’ consumption and waste generation. “Change needs to happen earlier up the chain…creating less waste [for people to recycle] to begin with.” (Female, 45-59, White, ABC1 and OX3) Table 1.1: Who should have most responsibility for dealing…

… to this, the public also felt they needed more education and information from Oxford City Council about how to recycle and reduce waste correctly. There was some awareness that leaflets had been sent out previously but knowledge of this was far from universal. Assembly Members expressed great surprise that entire streets of recycling can be destroyed by one person mistakenly putting general household waste

… Members generally agreed that it was unsatisfactory and that more should be done to reduce, recycle, and re-use waste. ▪ Oxford’s present rate of recycling (around 50% of household waste recycled) was felt to be insufficient, with a desire expressed for benchmarks and comparisons with other cities and the setting of ambitious targets. “We should be aiming for 90% [recycling rate].” (Female, 30…

…. ▪ Incentivising better waste management was seen as difficult and the need for deeper cultural change around climate change action was felt to be critical. Suggestions to achieve this included changing household behaviours by educating children in school, more active programme for educating students when they arrive at university, and ensuring new homeowners are educated on recycling and waste reduction

…................................................................................................................... 9 Interpretation of findings.......................................................................................................................................... 10 1 Waste Reduction ...................................................................................................................... 11 Summary of table discussions…


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