Including 6 closely related terms such as minimise waste, waste, and waste disposal.
… carbon emissions.” 3.4 Within this ambition we pledge to grow the circular economy of the district and seek to reduce waste as well as increase our resilience to climate change through improved energy & resource efficiency, supporting higher sustainability standards in new developments and taking advantage where possible of initiatives to retrofit energy efficiency measures in existing…
… elements over which F&HDC have operational control Council Housing Stock Include elements of housing stock over which Council have operational control Furthermore, the following areas were not included within the scope at this time primarily as they are outsourced services at the time of evaluation: • Coastal infrastructure • Crematorium • Waste collection and street cleaning…
… • Waste disposal from own operations 4.13 The Council’s carbon footprint will continue to be measured and if relevant these service areas may be included in future measurements however a clear audit trail will be provided if so. Scopes for emissions 4.14 Once the organisational and operational scope had been decided, it was necessary to decide what emissions should be included…
… the study were emissions from the Council’s individual housing stock and waste service. Emissions from individual council homes have been excluded from the study as the council does not have direct control over how residents source their energy or how much they use. However emissions from our sheltered housing blocks have been included as they are communally heated. The council does not own its own…
…. 3. Consider a Climate Change Champions staff scheme. 4. Measure waste produced by the Council operations so that it can be reduced and managed. 5. End single-use plastic on own estate; review office consumables and recycling to minimise waste. 6. Reduce printing and paper waste through increase in digital systems and services. 7. Consider how the Council can work with contractors…