Including 6 closely related terms such as waste reduction, management, and manage.
… items from virgin materials. Delivery of two leaflets to all households (Circa 138,000) in Leicester and a media campaign. 2020/21 - 2021/22 Waste Management 2020/21: Media campaign and leaflet deliveries successfully completed. 2021/22: The impacts of the campaign are being assessed following its completion. 4.02 Organic waste Promotion of organic waste reduction at home, through…
…-minded local authorities, via national forums including LARAC (Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee) and NAWDO (National Associations of Waste Disposal Officers), as well as through our responses to relevant national consultations. 2020/21 - 2022/23 Waste Management 2020/21: Responses continue to be submitted to government consultations, currently working on Extended Producer…
… home composting. Continue the provision of discounted compost bins to Leicester residents and support local providers to encourage the use of home 2020/21 - 2021/22 Waste Management 2020/21: Discounted compost bins continue to be promoted and Leicester City Council’s Climate Emergency Action: Plan April 2020 – March 2023 Version 3, updated May 2022 Page 21 of 45 No. Action…
… of items donated for the social benefit of Leicester residents. The new concession contract agreed and signed, prior to the end of the current contract. Completion of the proposed extension to the Reuse shop. This includes the final design, planning and construction of the extension. 2020/21 - 2021/22 Waste Management 2020/21: New contract agreed and signed. Expansion delayed by Covid…
… locations and monitor to determine the success of the project. Phase 2: Complete roll out of new bin solutions and communications to 4 locations including 2 student properties and monitor to determine the success of the project. 2020/21 - 2021/22 Waste Management 2020/21: Roll out started but delayed to 2021/22 due to Covid 19. 2021/22: Action on hold due to limited resources. 4.05…